B.B.D. going international...

Welcome all visitors from around the World!

I have noticed that people from various and different countries have been visiting this blog lately. THANK YOU for your visit and interest in my work!

I wish I had more time to include a complete translation of everything I write - but I promise I will keep that in mind for future updates! In the meantime, I will include an English title to all my posts to help you find your way around here.

Please find below a rough translation of this blog's bookmarks and post listing (I still haven't figured out how to change their titles without having to erase them completely - any suggestions?):

Animais / Animals
Apresentação / Introduction
Aviões / Airplanes
Bonecas / Dolls
Brinquedos / Toys
Carros / Cars
Convites / Invitations
De Gente Grande / Grown Up Parties
Dicas / Tips
Dinossauros / Dinosaurs
Evento Verde / Green Event
Fadas / Fairies
Festa na Escola / Parties at School
Festas Realizadas / Real Parties
Fundo do Mar / Under the Sea
Inspirações de Fora / Inspirations from Outside
Jardim / Garden Parties
Meios de Transporte / Means of Transportation
Mesa Decoradas / Decorated Tables
Na Mídia / On the News
Piratas / Pirates
Primavera / Springtime Themes
Princesas / Princesses
Páscoa / Easter
Safári / Safari
Temas para Meninas / Girl Themes
Temas para Meninos / Boy Themes
Temas Unissex / Neutral Themes

Thanks again for your visit and come back another time to check on our updates!

Best wishes,

Ana Luiza Xavier

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